Video Analytics dashboard built using YoloV5 and Streamlit
GitHub – SahilChachra/Video-Analytics-Dashboard: Video Analytics dashboard built using YoloV5 and Streamlit
“As AI engineers, we love data and we love to see graphs and numbers! So why not project the inference data on some platform to understand the inference better? When a model is deployed on the edge for some kind of monitoring, it takes up rigorous amount of frontend and backend developement apart from deep learning efforts — from getting the live data to displaying the correct output. So, I wanted to replicate a small scale video analytics tool and understand what all feature would be useful for such a tool and what could be the limitations?
The best part is, we can plug in any custom trained model, be it trained to detect animals, urban city objects, chimenys in factories or different space junks! This dashboard is not domain specific and hence can also be used for testing your custom trained models! So instead of scrolling through the logs in the terminal, you use this dashboard for the same! Further on, this dashboard can be modifed to suit any given use case, be it traffic monitoring, model testing tool or monitoring of aquatic animals!..”