Using Variational Transformer Networks to Automate Document Layout Design

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Using Variational Transformer Networks to Automate Document Layout Design

Using Variational Transformer Networks to Automate Document Layout Design

“Information in a written document is not only conveyed by the meaning of the words contained in it, but also by the overall document layout. Layouts are commonly used to direct the order in which the reader parses a document to enable a better understanding (e.g., with columns or paragraphs), to provide helpful summaries (e.g., with titles) or for aesthetic purposes (e.g., when displaying advertisements).

While these design rules are easy to follow, it is difficult to explicitly define them without quickly needing to include exceptions or encountering ambiguous cases. This makes the automation of document design difficult, as any system with a hardcoded set of production rules will either be overly simplistic and thus incapable of producing original layouts (causing a lack of diversity in the layout of synthesized data), or too complex, with a large set of rules and their accompanying exceptions. In an attempt to solve this challenge, some have proposed machine learning (ML) techniques to synthesize document layouts. However, most ML-based solutions for automatic document design do not scale to a large number of layout components, or they rely on additional information for training, such as the relationships between the different components of a document…”


June 9, 2021
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