Understanding Quantum Technologies 2021
Understanding Quantum Technologies 2021
“Is it yet another ebook on quantum physics or quantum computing? Well, I hope not! It fills a lot of gaps found in the current literature. This ebook has been in the making for over three years now. It’s the fourth edition of an ebook initially published in French in three previous versions and now, for the first time, in English. Precisely, in American English, with flavors and colors instead of flavours and colours!
This ebook is a side-product of an adventure started back in 2018 with my friend Fanny Bouton, who now works at OVHcloud with its startups ecosystem, including quantum ones. In 2017, we then decided to produce a didactic conference on quantum computing. It was played in Nantes in June 2018. I followed with a series of 18 posts on my blog to create kinds of lecture notes of this conference. It became an ebook and three years later, here we are with an extended and updated edition in English. This was also the result of being embedded in the quantum ecosystem, meeting with tens of scientists and entrepreneurs, and progressively, with an international outreach…”
Source: www.oezratty.net/wordpress/2021/understanding-quantum-technologies-2021/