Overview of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms


Overview of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms

Overview of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms

“How the big picture gives us insights and a better understanding of ML by connecting the dots
There are so many machine learning algorithms out there, and we can find different kinds of overviews and cheat sheets. Why another overview?

I tried to build this different overview with these three main focuses in mind:

a complete hierarchical relationship for all algorithms

relationships between apparently different algorithms — for example, LDA vs Logistic regression, Gradient Boosting Machine vs Linear regression, SVM vs linear regression, etc.

a structure to better answer usual ML questions — for example, the effect of numerical scaling, the feature importance, linear model vs non-linear model…”

Source: towardsdatascience.com/overview-of-supervised-machine-learning-algorithms-a5107d036296

February 16, 2022
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