A New Lens on Understanding Generalization in Deep Learning


A New Lens on Understanding Generalization in Deep Learning

A New Lens on Understanding Generalization in Deep Learning

“Understanding generalization is one of the fundamental unsolved problems in deep learning. Why does optimizing a model on a finite set of training data lead to good performance on a held-out test set? This problem has been studied extensively in machine learning, with a rich history going back more than 50 years. There are now many mathematical tools that help researchers understand generalization in certain models. Unfortunately, most of these existing theories fail when applied to modern deep networks — they are both vacuous and non-predictive in realistic settings. This gap between theory and practice is largest for overparameterized models, which in theory have the capacity to overfit their train sets, but often do not in practice.

In “The Deep Bootstrap Framework: Good Online Learners are Good Offline Generalizers”, accepted at ICLR 2021, we present a new framework for approaching this problem by connecting generalization to the field of online optimization. In a typical setting, a model trains on a finite set of samples, which are reused for multiple epochs. But in online optimization, the model has access to an infinite stream of samples, and can be iteratively updated while processing this stream. In this work, we find that models that train quickly on infinite data are the same models that generalize well if they are instead trained on finite data. This connection brings new perspectives on design choices in practice, and lays a roadmap for understanding generalization from a theoretical perspective…”

Source: ai.googleblog.com/2021/03/a-new-lens-on-understanding.html

March 27, 2021
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