A Harvard Mathematician Has Basically Solved an Epic, 150-Year-Old Chess Problem


A Harvard Mathematician Has Basically Solved an Epic, 150-Year-Old Chess Problem

A Harvard Mathematician Has Basically Solved an Epic, 150-Year-Old Chess Problem

“On one level, chess seems like a simple game: 64 individual black or white squares, 16 pieces per side, and two competitors striving for conquest.

Dig a little deeper though, and the game offers incredibly complex possibilities, posing challenges to chess theorists and mathematicians that can go unsolved for decades or even centuries.

In July 2021, one such challenge was finally solved – at least, up to a point. Mathematician Michael Simkin, from Harvard University in Massachusetts, put his mind to the n-queens problem that has been puzzling experts since it was first imagined in the 1840s…”

Source: www.sciencealert.com/a-harvard-mathematician-has-solved-an-epic-150-year-old-chess-problem

January 28, 2022
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